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  Cartridges For Filters Group  

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Filter cartridge
(Product Number: 52-500)

Product describtion:
Cartridge for: 
Ps- personal Filter. 
Life around 45 x 12 Ltd. fills. 
Club filter: 
use for Ærosub compressor and Oc club filter. 
Life around 100 x 12 Ltr. fills 
Ærosub triplex filter: 
same fills as specifided from manifactor. 

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Price: 18.20 Euro

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model 56 cartridge
(Product Number: 52-530)

Product describtion:
Cartridge for: 
Ocean pro tower and midland/Ærosub. 
Cartridge made of clear material for easy inspection. 
max 400 L/min. and ea cartridge can process 
12000 cu/ft approximaly. 
Processing capability varies with temperature at dewpoint, pressure and inter-stage separation.
Price: 45.00 Euro

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Cartridge for Bauer compressors
(Product Number: 52-545)

Product describtion:
Ocean Pro offers a series of cartridge whick will fit to bauer compressors. All cartridge made of clear material, for easy inspection.

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Bauer cartridge
Price: 18.60 Euro

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